
Why Be a Lark Over a Night Owl

For those that aren’t aware a Lark is a morning person whereas a night owl, which is fairly self explanatory, is a night time person. There have been lots of studies on the two types, so as a “lark” myself I thought I’d mention a few notable ones to try and lure you to becoming a morning person yourself. Lark’s Procrastinate Less This one shouldn’t surprise you too much, but morning people tend to be more productive and procrastinate less.

The Darkside of Frugal Living

I have gone through a lot of phases in my life but when it comes to finance I lean towards the more frugal side. I am hyper aware of the amount of money coming into my account, how much I am saving each month and the breakdown of the individual costs. As an example at the worse of my frugality I was saving around 60% of my income and “living” (if you could call it that) on the rest.

Why I Pay £38 a Month to be in a Facebook Group

Some of you are probably already thinking I am crazy, or that I must like burning money and trust me I totally get that. On title alone I would think I was a little crazy myself, but I'll hold my hands up and be honest I have lied to you a tiny bit. Although the Facebook group is a huge part of it I do also get more than just that for my £38 a month such as;