
Tag: health

The Best Investment I've Made - Working with a Personal Trainer

I have made a lot of investments into myself - financial and otherwise, but if I could choose one of those investments as the one that made the biggest change to my lifestyle it would be an easy choice. I started working with my personal trainer Alex in April 2019, since then I have been working with him consistently to improve my health and fitness. So I thought I would share some of the key benefits I have seen during that time;

The Magic of Water

I have honestly lost track of how many years it has been since I made the switch to only drinking water. The only time I break that rule is when alcohol is involved and I am out for drinks with friends. A lot of people profess the magic of water and how everyone should drink more so I wanted to give my experience on how it affected myself and also cover a few tips on how you could make the switch yourselves.