
Tag: personal development

Why Be a Lark Over a Night Owl

For those that aren’t aware a Lark is a morning person whereas a night owl, which is fairly self explanatory, is a night time person. There have been lots of studies on the two types, so as a “lark” myself I thought I’d mention a few notable ones to try and lure you to becoming a morning person yourself. Lark’s Procrastinate Less This one shouldn’t surprise you too much, but morning people tend to be more productive and procrastinate less.

The Darkside of Frugal Living

I have gone through a lot of phases in my life but when it comes to finance I lean towards the more frugal side. I am hyper aware of the amount of money coming into my account, how much I am saving each month and the breakdown of the individual costs. As an example at the worse of my frugality I was saving around 60% of my income and “living” (if you could call it that) on the rest.

Why I Pay £38 a Month to be in a Facebook Group

Some of you are probably already thinking I am crazy, or that I must like burning money and trust me I totally get that. On title alone I would think I was a little crazy myself, but I'll hold my hands up and be honest I have lied to you a tiny bit. Although the Facebook group is a huge part of it I do also get more than just that for my £38 a month such as;

The Best Investment I've Made - Working with a Personal Trainer

I have made a lot of investments into myself - financial and otherwise, but if I could choose one of those investments as the one that made the biggest change to my lifestyle it would be an easy choice. I started working with my personal trainer Alex in April 2019, since then I have been working with him consistently to improve my health and fitness. So I thought I would share some of the key benefits I have seen during that time;

The Magic of Water

I have honestly lost track of how many years it has been since I made the switch to only drinking water. The only time I break that rule is when alcohol is involved and I am out for drinks with friends. A lot of people profess the magic of water and how everyone should drink more so I wanted to give my experience on how it affected myself and also cover a few tips on how you could make the switch yourselves.

Five Tips to Wake Up Earlier

Everyone has seen the videos about how every CEO wakes up at 5 am. It is sold as being the singular thing that will change your life. Not only will it will open the path to enlightenment, it will make you superhuman and not to mention you'll be a millionaire by year end. Regardless of what you have been sold, taking advantage of your morning can be invaluable. There are far fewer distractions to hinder your productivity and from personal experience it is just extremely peaceful when everyone else is sleeping.